Dienstag, 16. September 2014

If the SDK-Manager doesn't start on windows 64x

Hi there, I had some problemy by starting the sdk-manager on windiws 64bit. As usual I tried to solve the problem by googleing it. But there was no solution that worked for me.
So I solved it by myself.

If someone have to handle this problem and can't find a solution by using google too, I hope this description will help you.

The problem is described as the following.

By opening the sdk-manager a cmd-console shows up for a moment and nothing happens.

The problem can be solved by editing the android.bat. You found it in your tools folder.
There you will find the following lines:

set java_exe=
call lib\find_java.bat
if not defined java_exe goto :EOF 

Here you define the path for java_exe here. So replace this with for example:

set java_exe=D:\java\jre8\bin\java.exe

After you did that have a look at this line:

for /f "delims=" %%a in ('"%java_exe%" -jar lib\archquery.jar') 
do set swt_path=lib\%%a 

The Windows cmd is not able to invoke the command inside of the bracktes.
I don't know why. If anybody knows, please write a comment.
There you have to replace the code inside of the bracket with: x86_64

for /f "delims=" %%a in ("x86_64") 
do set swt_path=lib\%%a 

In the last step you have to add a path-variable called ANDROID_SWT which links to folder lib\x86_64 inside of the current folder. For example:


Then run the android.bat and the SDK-Manager will be shown up.